ThemeDivs Course Outline

Course Survey

  1. Tired of low-performance WordPress themes & plugins due to overhead & dBase accesses?
  2. Want better control of theme design – top-to-bottom sections?
  3. Aspire to scrape your favorite sections in other sites, modify them & make them your own?
  4. Interested in learning code organically, while you create your own themes?

Course Objectives

Set up WordPress

  1. IDE Plugin – Integrated Development Environment coding environment used in this course
    1. Go to, log in & open site in new tab from “View Site”
    2. Open in new tab
    3. Open WPIDE File Editor & WPIDE File Manager in new tabs
    4. Provide WPIDE plugin tour & set Dark Mode & Font Size to 16
  2. Initial setup
    1. Download barebones-themedivs-files from ThemeDivs Contents & unzip
    2. Import posts, landing pages, & media files
    3. Create Home, Blog, & Landing, rename Sample to About & slug, featured image & text
    4. Dashboard > Settings > Reading & set ‘Static page’ & Home & Blog & max posts to 3
    5. Set title to “Bare Bones Theme Divs” & desc to “Theme Divs perform well” – save

Create Bare Bones theme

  1. Create initial theme files & activate it
    1. Create theme folder named “barebones-themedivs”
    2. Create index.php & style.css, paste top comment to style.css & save
    3. Paste screenshot.jpg into theme folder in WPIDE File Manager
    4. Go to Dashboard > Appearance > Themes & activate barebones-themedivs
  2. Fill theme files
    1. Create sub-folder for “images” & paste favicon.png & logo.png
    2. Create functions, header, front-page, home, footer, page, single, landing, & single-landing
    3. Add styles and functions, one-by-one, explaining each piece – update URI comment
    4. Populate the theme files with Bare Bones Theme framework content
    5. Zip and save the theme for future use
    6. Add filler Theme Divs to theme files
    7. Show the website


I'll be happy to answer your questions!